展商展示 - IIC Shanghai 2022国际集成电路展览会暨研讨会

思尔芯 S2C

S2C Limited

展位号: A20

上海思尔芯技术股份有限公司简称思尔芯(S2C),自 2004 年成立上海总部以来始终专注于电子设计自动化 (EDA) 领域。作为业内知名的 EDA 解决方案专家,公司业务聚焦于数字芯片的前端验证,已与超过 500 家国内外企业建立了良好的合作关系,服务于人工智能、超级计算、图像处理、数据存储、信号处理等数字电路设计功能的实现,广泛应用于物联网、云计算、5G 通信、智慧医疗、汽车电子等终端领域。


思尔芯在 EDA 领域的技术实力受到了业界的广泛认可,通过多年耕耘

S2C is a leading global supplier of FPGA prototyping solutions for today's innovative SoC and ASIC designs, now with the second largest share of the global prototyping market. S2C has been successfully delivering rapid SoC prototyping solutions since 2003. With over 500 customers, including 6 of the world's top 15 semiconductor companies, our world-class engineering team and customer-centric sales team are experts at addressing our customer's SoC and ASIC verification needs. S2C has offices and sales representatives in the US, Europe, mainland China, Hong Kong, Korea and Japan.
