展商展示 - IIC Shanghai 2022国际集成电路展览会暨研讨会


Future Electronics

展位号: A3

富昌电子(Future Electronics)是全球知名的电子元器件分销商,向客户提供全球供应链解决方案、定制化工程设计服务以及丰富的电子元器件产品种类,在业界享有盛名。富昌电子由Robert Miller先生于1968年创立,在全球44个国家/地区拥有170个办事处,并视其5500名员工为公司重要的资产。作为一家全球整合的公司,富昌电子依托全球一体化信息平台,使客户能够实时查询库存情况和供需动态。凭借高水平的服务、先进的工程设计能力以及丰富的可销售库存,富昌电子始终秉承着成就客户®的理念。欲了解更多信息,请访问www.FutureElectronics.cn。

Future Electronics is a global leader in electronics distribution, recognized for providing customers with global supply chain solutions, custom-tailored engineering services and a very extensive variety of electronic components. Founded by Robert G. Miller in 1968, Future Electronics believes its 5500 employees are its greatest asset, with 170 offices in 44 countries. Future Electronics is globally integrated, with a unified IT infrastructure that delivers real-time inventory availability and access to customers.
