展商展示 - IIC Shanghai 2022国际集成电路展览会暨研讨会


Flyingchip Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

展位号: A5

飞凌微(上海)电子科技有限公司作为思特威全资子公司, 致力于先进视觉处理芯片技术的研发与设计。公司汇集了业内一流的科研人才与工程师团队, 凭借深厚的行业技术沉淀、丰富的产品开发和量产经验以及对市场客户需求的深入洞察, 围绕汽车电子等领域研发了一系列端侧高性能智能视觉处理芯片。
飞凌微M1系列产品搭载前沿的视觉处理技术,具备高精度、高处理速度、高安全可靠性等性能优势, 广泛应用于前视/后视/环视、舱内监测、电子后视镜等众多智驾视觉应用场景。公司通过与国内外知名汽车制造商、Tier1供应商以及算法方案商等上下游产业伙伴的紧密合作,持续推进智驾视觉技术的商业化进程,加快构建未来出行的新生态。

Flyingchip Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., as a wholly-owned subsidiary of SmartSens Technology, is committed to the R&D of advanced image processing technology and products. With thorough insights into the market needs, Flyingchip provides high-performance intelligent visual processing chip solutions for on-device computation applications across automobiles, etc. Through close cooperation with automobile manufacturers, Tier 1 suppliers, and algorithm solution providers, Flyingchip aims to bring intelligent vision technologies to new levels for future mobility.

