展商展示 - IIC Shanghai 2022国际集成电路展览会暨研讨会

Power Integrations

Power Integrations

展位号: A13

Power Integrations, Inc.是一家专注于高压电源管理及控制领域的高性能电子元器件及电源方案的供应商,总部位于美国硅谷。 我们所推出的集成电路和二极管为包括移动设备、家电、智能电表、LED灯以及工业应用的众多电子产品设计出小巧紧凑的高能效AC-DC电源。我们的SCALE门极驱动器可提高大功率应用的效率、可靠性和成本效益,其应用领域包括工业电机、太阳能和风能系统、电动汽车和高压直流输电等。自1998年问世以来,Power Integrations的EcoSmart节能技术已节省了数十亿美元的能耗,避免了数以百万吨的碳排放。

Power Integrations, Inc., is a leading innovator in semiconductor technologies for high-voltage power conversion. Our products are key building blocks in the clean-power ecosystem, enabling the generation of renewable energy as well as the efficient transmission and consumption of power in a vast range of applications including appliances, mobile devices, computers and countless industrial applications.Energy-saving technologies such as our PowiGaN™ gallium-nitride technology and our EcoSmart™ energy-efficiency technology prevent of electronic components each year

